The goal of the UC Davis Neuroprosthetics Lab is to develop technology to restore abilities affected from neurological injury and disease. We build brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) focusing on helping people living with neurological impairments regain lost function. The group is part of the Department of Neurological Surgery and is led by Assistant Professors David Brandman and Sergey Stavisky. We are part of the BrainGate Consortium, which centers around a clinical trial of an implanted neural interface system to restore communication and movement to people with paralysis.
Our current research focuses on restoring speech. These BCIs can potentially help people with severe speech and motor impairment in the near-term, while providing direct access to human neural circuits for gaining the deeper neuroscientific understanding required to build BCIs that are more effective and capable of treating a wider range of conditions. We currently record using chronic Utah multielectrode arrays and with short-term sEEG recordings, while also working with partners to bring next-generation neurotechnologies to human use safely and quickly. Our expertise spans neuroengineering, systems neuroscience, neurosurgery, machine learning, and computational neuroscience.